A fost mentionat documentar pentru prima oara in anul 1421, in timpul administratiei otomane, sub denumirea de Caracoium. In 1927 devine Navodari. Potentialul sau turistic a fost pus in evidenta incepand cu 1969, odata cu realizarea ...
dar?], historical names: Carachioi; Caracoium, Turkish: Kara Koyum) is a town in Constanţa County, Dobruja, Romania, with a population of 32400. The name of the town means "trawlers" in Romanian, indicating that it was originally a ...
dar?], historical names: Carachioi; Caracoium, Turkish: Kara Koyum) is a town in Constanţa County, Dobruja, Romania, with a population of 32400. The name of the town means "trawlers" in Romanian, indicating that it was originally a ...